Our Story

In 2018 we began to meet, pray and collaborate to bring Christ’s healing to those in need. Health and healing for addicts and those affected by their behaviour is available through Christ and His church.


We discovered our shared
vision and mission:

Our vision is to see Kneehill County become a hub of health and healing for those who need relief and recovery from their addictions and harmful behaviours.

Our mission is to coordinate, equip and mobilize Christ-centred caring communities that have a desire to provide addiction support and ministries.



We are not alone. There is a God-sized vision in the hearts of many Christians in our region to reach those struggling with addiction. We’ve been called us ‘a miracle’ - the church working together to accomplish healing. Much can be done to help people with addictions, but only Jesus can truly heal them.


Community Led

People throughout our county are training for, planning, and running ministries. We choose to strategically coordinate our efforts. We bring experts in to help us get even better, but there are already many here who can lead and do the work of ministry in Kneehill County. Would you like to join with us? Message us!
Check here to find out about the individuals and churches that are partners through KARN.


Support & Outreach

We have a desire to train up leaders in the skills that will help them provide effective programs and ministries. We want to network for support, communication and encouragement. This helps our community to provide better ministries to meet the needs of those harmed by addictions and the behaviours often accompanying the drug-dependant condition.

We were incorporated as a Society in Alberta with the official name of “Kneehill Addiction Recovery Network Society” on June 18, 2020. But we prefer to go by KARN. We were registered with Canada Revenue Agency effective August 19, 2022 with official charitable status based on the following…

Charitable Purposes

  1. To improve the capacity, efficiency, and effectiveness of other registered charities that provide Christian-based addiction recovery and family support programs by coordinating services between member organizations and by providing them with information, expertise and training on developing, implementing, and improving charitable programs to better address the needs of beneficiaries.

  2. To educate the public about the causes and effects of, and treatments for, addiction by offering courses, seminars, and conferences, as well as maintaining a public resource library.

  3. To promote health by providing individuals suffering from addiction and their families with information on available resources and by connecting them with Christian-based addiction recovery and treatment facilities and programs.

View our 2022 Charity Prospectus.

View our 2022 Charity Prospectus.