Stories of Hope and Recovery

It is important to hear from others who have been there and have found the way out! Here are some stories to encourage you.

Maybe you have a story of God’s deliverance from addiction that you want to share as well.

Lydia Nelson
KARN Webmaster KARN Webmaster

Lydia Nelson

I came to Freedom Session back in 2017 for 3 reasons.

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Richard Evans
KARN Webmaster KARN Webmaster

Richard Evans

Many years went by where I drank, lied, and lived in shame over my choices but didn’t know how to stop the cycle I was in.

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Kevin Derksen
KARN Webmaster KARN Webmaster

Kevin Derksen

Missionaries struggle with addiction? Is that true? Yep. Take a moment to watch Kevin’s story as he shares…

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Sara Paterson
KARN Webmaster KARN Webmaster

Sara Paterson

I was introduced to ‘recovery’ when I received counselling as a young adult …

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Michael Hancock
KARN Webmaster KARN Webmaster

Michael Hancock

He had to face tremendous lows in his life before he was willing to consider that God might be real and be the one to help him walk through his very real troubles.

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Wayne Nelson
KARN Webmaster KARN Webmaster

Wayne Nelson

Wayne’s story is one of a good background and many years of helping others, including reaching out to addicts. However, his story has a bit of a ‘twist’ when it comes to addiction and ultimately is a remarkable testimony.

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If you would like someone from KARN to come and share a story of hope with
your group or congregation click here

We would love to share more
about KARN with you, as well!