Trauma & Addiction Conference

Are you interested in addiction recovery? Do you want to know more about trauma?

Please feel free to view our conference videos from September 30th and October 1, 2022. Our Trauma & Addiction conference was hosted at Prairie College. Susan Brandt gives an introduction to trauma and addiction and how they intersect. She then teaches how to care for those working through trauma and addiction as you walk alongside them in their journey. 

Susan Brandt brings an extensive variety of experiences serving in private counseling practice with Street Level Consulting. Her foundation in psychology, nursing, social work, faith, and creative arts enhances her ability to help individuals and groups of people with a variety of difficulties through counseling, workshops, and education in a creative and clinically sound manner. 

As one who has seen and experienced much suffering and trauma here in Canada and through mission work in the Third World, Susan Brandt has a tremendous capacity to journey alongside those who seek skilled and compassionate healing and education. 

Friday Prairie College Student Chapel

Saturday Sessions

Intersecting Trauma and Addiction - In this session, Susan will be defining what trauma and addiction are, and how they relate to one another. What is the correlation between the two, and how can we be prepared to walk alongside individuals as they work through their trauma without allowing trauma from our own past to get in the way?

Competent Caring - In this session, Susan will be discussing the recovery process of trauma and addiction, and how we can care for those working through trauma and addiction concurrently. Susan will be talking about the Triphasic Model, and how we can care for individuals without causing re-traumatization. How can we equip individuals to work through their trauma and addiction, and be vulnerable about their trauma without causing hurt to themselves and those around them?

Practical Skills - In this session, Susan will be walking us through some practical skills for dealing with trauma and addiction, and working alongside those who are working through their trauma and addiction . We’ll do this by looking at some case studies, and by asking some great questions!

Kneehill Addiction Recovery Network coordinates, equips and mobilizes Christ-centred caring communities that have a desire to provide addiction support and ministries.