Sara Paterson


I was introduced to ‘recovery’ when I received counselling as a young adult to help me understand and heal from childhood sexual abuse and the ways I was acting out from the confusion and wounding of those experiences (self sabotage, sexual brokenness and sexual addiction, alcohol abuse, distrust, ignorance, control, pride, etc.)

I kept learning and growing over the years, being blessed by a variety of programs God chose to work through…

God is gracious to only let me look at what He knows I can handle at any given moment which means recovery is ongoing! This is not an easy process. But I’ve learned I absolutely need God and community to get me through it.

I’m currently involved in recovery work focused on health and healing in day to day issues—my marriage, parenting, maintaining sobriety in the areas of previous addiction, learning to let go of control, learning to trust…the list goes on 🙂

AND yet God is faithful to use me in the midst of it all!!

I am thoroughly enjoying being part of a group that is praying and planning to start a CR “Celebrate Recovery” (Christian 12 step/Discipleship Program) here in Three Hills. I am also encouraged by my accountability team and sponsor along with the weekly teachings and testimonies as I attend an official Celebrate Recovery group in Red Deer on most Friday nights.

My family has also begun to utilize family and individual counselling that is offered in our area. Even though I have recovery in many areas…I’ve got layers. And my family is not perfect. We are absolutely amazing in some ways and deeply wounded, broken and in need of healing in other areas. I can only work on myself. But I will lead by example and am committed to learning how to consistently show up in healthy ways for my family and friends. Programs like CR, Genesis Process and individual counselling all play key roles in helping me with these goals.

I am excited to be a part of KARN and what is happening in our area. Being a part of the Genesis Process Relapse Prevention training via KARN was spectacular and I look forward to utilizing the wisdom of that program as God leads. I wholeheartedly welcome the honesty, support, transparency, healing and opportunities that I know KARN is bringing to our community.


Kevin Derksen


Michael Hancock